Friday, October 06, 2006

Build a Charting Web Service using WS-Attachments and the WSE

Build a Charting Web Service using WS-Attachments and the WSE


This sample deals with the WS-Attachments specification (read the complete specification at MSDN. In a nutshell the WS-Attachments specification defines how documents can be “attached” to a SOAP message as opposed to being embedded directly within the body of the SOAP message. This can be accomplished by encapsulating the SOAP message and the document using a technology referred to as Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME).

The code in this example creates a Web Service that is capable of generating bar and line charts on the fly. The service accepts an XML document containing data points to add to the chart and returns a png image as a SOAP attachment.


XML, GDI+, WSE, Web Services


.NET 1.0


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Good article taken from

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